Highly Commended at the Let's Do Business Awards

Highly Commended at the Let's Do Business Awards

Posted by Warren M on 10th Jun 2024

We are thrilled to share that Medical Dressings Ltd. has been honored as the runner-up in the prestigious Let's Do Business Awards, sponsored by Goldstar IT Consultancy. This recognition is a testamen … read more
How To Treat Scars

How To Treat Scars

Posted by Warren M on 7th Nov 2022

While some people consider their scars to be marks of pride, many people just want them to go away. Since they can affect your appearance, they can make you feel self-conscious.If you want to get ri … read more
How To Dress A Wound

How To Dress A Wound

Posted by Warren M on 7th Oct 2022

How To Dress a Wound?How to dress a wound properly is one of the most basic and important first aid skills there is. The process remains is generally the same no matter of the size or severity of th … read more
What Are The Different Types Of Wound Dressings?

What Are The Different Types Of Wound Dressings?

Posted by James Hoad on 1st Oct 2022

Caring for your wound is just as important as allowing time for it to heal. And determining the most appropriate wound care dressings you will need can ensure you stay free from infection, protects … read more
Coronavirus - All You Need To Know

Coronavirus - All You Need To Know

Posted by James Hoad on 20th Feb 2020

What Is A Coronavirus?A coronavirus is a type of virus. As a group, coronaviruses are common across the world. Typical symptoms of coronavirus include fever and a cough that may progress to a severe p … read more
Diabetes - What You Need To Know

Diabetes - What You Need To Know

Posted by James Hoad on 6th Feb 2020

What is Diabetes?Diabetes is a lifelong disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also known as blood sugar, is too high. Blood glucose is the bodies main source of energy and comes from the food y … read more
How Beetroot Can Help Keep Blood Pressure Down

How Beetroot Can Help Keep Blood Pressure Down

Posted by James Hoad on 12th Nov 2019

Maintaining healthy blood pressure is an integral part of living a long and healthy life. Why Its ImportantUnchecked high blood pressure reduces the health of our blood vessels over time, affecting … read more
10 Winter Skin Care Tips

10 Winter Skin Care Tips

Posted by James Hoad on 5th Nov 2019

The weather outside may be unsightly, but your skin doesn't have to be. How to banish dry skin and give your winter skin care regimen a boost.For many people, the cold clear days of winter bring mo … read more
Venous Leg Ulcer Management

Venous Leg Ulcer Management

19th Feb 2019

Compression therapy continues to be the cornerstone of conservative treatment. Consistent compression therapy is reported to improve ulcer healing rates, reduce incidence of recurrence, and prolong th … read more
First Aid Kit Supplies Check

First Aid Kit Supplies Check

1st Jan 2019

In an emergency situation you may have to act quickly, so it’s important to be familiar with your first aid kit and know what to use for different injuries.All workplaces, leisure centers, homes and c … read more